Wyclef Jean defends his Haiti charity

haiti earthquake is took too many of the victims. That why Wyclef Jean defends his Haiti charity. He take care on happening. What do you think about this action? I think, we have to take care like him and make a little move for helping haitian.

So, how do we can help them? For example, send them instant food, and many other, or donate them with your money, I think, this is the best way.

Take care more...

Haitian-born rapper Wyclef Jean spoke out Saturday in defense of his foundation after charity screening groups raised concerns about its accounting practices.

Jean said he was baffled by the timing and nature of criticism of The Wyclef Jean Foundation Inc., which has already raised more than $2 million to help earthquake victims.

"It is impossible for me to even comprehend the recent attacks on my character and the integrity of my foundation," he said in a statement. "The fact that these attacks come as we are mobilized to meet the greatest human tragedy in the history of Haiti only serves to perplex me even further."

Jean, a 37-year-old Grammy-winning artist, has been imploring followers to text "Yele" to 501501 to donate $5 to his foundation in support of Haitian earthquake victims.

The foundation, also known as Yele Haiti, intends to airlift medical supplies, water and Clif Bars to Haiti using a FedEx plane early next week, according to foundation president Hugh Locke.

An Associated Press review of tax returns and independent audits provided by Jean's foundation showed that it was closely intertwined with Jean's businesses.

Jean said he has never profited personally through his work with the organization and he has committed significant amounts of his time and money to the charity.


Media Indonesia on 1 November 2010 pukul 02.21 1

niice post .
^_^ .

Dress on 14 April 2012 pukul 22.59 2

Thats good article,
i think we must improve writing article like this.
thanks for all

gejala penyakit ginjal on 8 Juni 2012 pukul 03.23 3

Info menarik dan boleh sekali dicoba, Makasih buat infonya dan sukses

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Saya cari dibeberapa website dan dapat tipsnya di website ini, terima kasih, mau dicoba oleh saya.

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Amazing artikel…. Semoga saya bisa praktekan tipsnya dan berhasil

penyebab penyakit gagal ginjal on 8 Juni 2012 pukul 03.35 6

Terima Kasih, Tulisan yang sangat membantu. Salam Sukses!

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Terima kasih atas pencerahannya, tulisannya menarik juga. Saya akan coba

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